Formatting Guidelines for Accepted Papers
Put Title Here Using Heading 1 Style
with Center Alignment and 18 point font

Author’s Name(s)
Affiliation(s) using Heading 2 style with Center Alignment
Leave this blank when submitting for review
Use heading 3 with center alignment
Leave this blank when submitting for review

Executive Summary

This is a three-quarter to full-page executive summary that briefly describes everything in the paper, including the conclusions. This is an extended abstract that includes "the bottom line". It is not an introduction. It should give the reader enough information to remind the reader of everything in the article.

Keywords: 5 to 10 keywords, separated by commas.


The introduction to your paper goes here. These paragraphs use the "Normal" style.

This document describes the formatting guidelines for publication of your paper in the Journal of Information Technology Education (JITE). If you have any questions, please contact Eli Cohen or

Prepare your manuscript in Microsoft Word or export it from another word processor into RTF format, following the specifications shown here.

When you submit your paper for review, make sure that you have anonymized your paper by removing all references to yourself or your institution. You are to submit a "blind" version that can be blind reviewed. After your paper has been accepted, add the author information.

While there are no regulations on length, it will be exceptional for an article to exceed 20,000 words.

For papers that deal with data analysis, if at all possible make the data available to readers via a link to a website.


Language and Grammar

All papers are to be written in English. If you have questions on English grammar, an excellent guide can be found at

While U.S. spelling is preferable, other versions of English are acceptable.

Which versus That

Relative clauses are dependent clauses (clauses that cannot stand alone as a sentence) that add meaning to a noun and begin with: that, which, whichever, who, whoever, whom, whomever, whose, and of which. They are classified as restrictive (or defining) and non-restrictive (non-defining). Restrictive clauses are essential to the meaning of the sentence. Non-restrictive clauses are not essential to the meaning of the sentence; they add description but can be removed without changing the meaning.

There is often confusion on when the word "which" should be used to introduce a clause and when "that" should be used and when they should be separated from the rest of the sentence by commas. In this journal we will follow these guidelines.

In the sentence "Land that is surrounded by water is an island," the phrase "that is surrounded by water" is a restrictive clause; if it were omitted the sentence would read, "Land is an island," which does not make sense. A restrictive clause begins with the word "that" and is not separated by commas.

In the sentence, "Tasmania, which is surrounded by water, is an island." the phrase "which is surrounded by water" is a non-restrictive clause because it is not necessary to the meaning of the sentence. A non-restrictive cause begins with the word "which" and is separated from the rest of the sentence by commas.


Author Information

After your paper has been accepted insert the full name, the affiliation (University or Company), City, Country, and email address for each author on the first page, after the title. Also add a short biography for each author at the end of the paper.



All papers should begin with an introduction that sets the stage for the discussion. Some papers may find it more appropriate to use Background as an alternate first section.


The body is a collection of multiple sections describing the main content of the paper. You may use up to three levels of headings to categorize content as deemed necessary.


This section summarizes the paper, presents challenges, suggests future study, etc. to create a lasting impression of the paper.


Following the conclusion is a list of all references used in the body of the paper. The current APA formatting guidelines are used to make internal citations within the body as well as provide the complete alphabetic list of reference citations at the end of the paper. (See the Entering References section for more details.)

Biography(ies) with Picture

For each author of the paper, please provide short biography (one or two paragraphs) that describes the author’s background relevant to this paper. If you wish, you may insert a head-and-shoulder photo to the left of the biography or send it separately and we will insert it.

Page Formatting

To make it easier to read the paper online, use single column formatting for the paper.

Page Size

Set the paper size to 8 1/2 by 11 inches.


Top and bottom margins should be 1 inch. Left and right margins should be 1.25 inches. (These are the default margins in Word.)

Headers and Footers

Do not use any headers or footers and do not insert page numbers. We will add the headers, footers, and page numbers.


Hyphenate the text in the document. To turn on hyphenation:

      Select Language on the Tools menu.

      Select Hyphenation.

      Check Automatically hyphenate document.


The journal does not include footnotes or endnotes. Insert your clarifications within the body of the paper. The editors will remove footnotes and place the material within the text. The only exception is when specifying grant information on the first page.

Paragraph Styles
(This is a Centered Heading 1 Style)

Use Word’s default paragraph styles for your document, making just the changes indicated below. If you do not know how to modify a style, see the section on Modifying a Style.

Headings (This is a Heading 2 Style)

Enter the headings without outline numbers or letters in front of them.

First level headings

Use the Heading 1 style for the title and for major headings. The font for this style is Arial, 16 point, Bold. The space before the paragraph is 12 point and the space after is 3 point. The "Keep with Next" property is selected.

Modify this style to be center aligned.

Capitalize the first letter of every major word for both the title and first level headings. Do not use all upper case.

Second level headings

Use the Heading 2 style for second level headings. The font for this heading is Arial, 14 point, Bold, Italic. The space before the paragraph is 12 point and the space after is 3 point. The "Keep with Next" property is selected. (Leave this style left aligned.)

Capitalize the first letter of every major word in second level headings. Do not use all upper case.

Third level headings (This is a heading 3 style)

Use the Heading 3 style for third level headings. The font for this heading is Arial, 13 point, Bold. The space before the paragraph is 12 point and the space after is 3 point. The "Keep with Next" property is selected. (Leave this style left aligned.)

Capitalize only the first word in this heading.

Text Paragraphs

Use the Normal style for paragraphs of text. The paragraph is single-spaced with no indentation. The font for this style is Times New Roman.

Modify this style to use an 11 point font and have a 6-point space after it. Do not put blank lines between paragraphs.

Other types text of paragraphs

Forth level. Three levels of headings are enough for most papers. If you need another level, such as for this paragraph, use the Normal style and place the heading at the beginning of the paragraph in bold font.

Lists. Use Word’s automatic bullet or number formats for lists.

References: Use a 10 point font with a hanging indent of 0.25 inches.

Other. Use other formats only when absolutely necessary.

Modifying a Style

To modify a style do the following:

      Select the Style item from the Format menu

      In the Style dialog box, select the Style you want to modify and click Modify (in later versions of Word, right-click on the style and select Modify).

      To change the paragraph formatting, select Format and then select Paragraph.

      Select the Indents and Spacing tab.

      To change the alignment, set the Alignment box to Centered.
      To change the space after to 6 point, enter 6 in the After box under Spacing.

      Click Ok, Ok, and then Close.

Figures and Tables

A table is data presented in tabular format with rows and columns. A figure is any other pictorial representation of data such as graphs or drawings. Each figure or table must be numbered and have a brief caption that describes it. Every figure or table must be referenced in the body of the paper. Table 1 is an example of a table and Figure 1 is an example of a figure.

Table 1: An example of a table









S00001 Golden Rod M00002 Multiple




S00001 Golden Rod M00012 Hiking




S00001 Golden Rod M00028 Multiple




S00002 Red Rose M00038 Multiple




The caption for tables is placed above the table; the caption for figures is placed below the figure.

Since all accepted papers need to be reformatted before publication, it is important that all figures and tables can be easily resized and/or moved. To make this possible please send figures as PowerPoint slides in a separate file and, within the paper, indicate where they are to appear. If you do not have access to PowerPoint, submit each figure as a separate high resolution gif file.

Tables may be inserted directly into the paper or placed on a separate page at the end of the paper.

Copyright Notice

We will add the copyright notice to the first page of your paper.

Entering References

References are to follow the current (5th edition) American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines. More detailed explanations and examples of these guidelines can be found at the following locations:  and

Within the text of your paper, cite sources by placing the author's last name and the date in parentheses, as shown by the examples in the following paragraphs.

List the sources alphabetically at the end of the paper under a level-one heading called "References," as shown at the end of this document. Place entries in alphabetical order according to the last name of the first author.

Italicize titles of longer works such as books and journals (Denning, 2001; Katz, 1995). Do not italicize, underline, or put quotes around the titles of shorter works such as journal articles or essays in edited collections. Capitalize all major words in the name of a journal, but when referring to any work that is NOT a journal, such as a book, article, or Web page, capitalize only the first letter of the first word of a title and subtitle, the first word after a colon or a dash in the title, and proper nouns (Backhouse, Liebenau, & Land, 1991).

If the author of an article is unknown, begin the reference with the headline or title, as in the example for this reference, and use the first few words in the parenthetical citation ("How to handle," 2002).

When there are two or more works by the same author, repeat the name of the author in each entry in the list of references and place them in chronological order by date of publication. If you a citing both works at once in the paper, list all relevant dates in the citation (Katz, 1995, 2000). To cite works by the same author and with the same publication date, add an identifying letter after each date (Roussev, 2003a, 2003b).

If a work has two authors, include both authors in both the list of references and each parenthetical citation. (Boyd & Cohen, 2003). If the work has three, four, or five authors list all authors in the reference list and in the first parenthetical citation to the work; in subsequent citations use the first author’s name followed by et al. (meaning "and others") (Backhouse et al., 1991). For works with six authors or more authors, list the first six in the reference list, followed by et al. if there are more than six, but place only the first author followed by et al. in the parenthetical citation (Barg et al. 2000; Gorgone et al., 2002).

When citing sources from the Web, include the year of publication or the most recent update as well as the date of your search and the URL. Do not end the path statement with a period (Burgess, 1995; Roussev, 2003b).

Authors are encouraged to use appropriate links to on-line resources in their citations.

Do not use footnotes for references. Footnotes should not be used at all.


    Backhouse, J., Liebenau, J., & Land, F. (1991). On the discipline of information systems: Conflict in the trenches. Journal of Information Systems, 1, 19-27.

    Barg, M., Fekete, A., Greening, T., Hollands, O., Kay, J., Kingston, J. H., et al. (2000). Problem-based learning for foundation computer science courses. Computer Science Education, 10 (2), 109-128.

    Boyd, E. & Cohen, E. (2003). Formatting guidelines. Journal of Information Technology. Retrieved January 4, 2004, from

    Burgess, Patricia S. (1995). A guide for writing research papers. Retrieved June 3, 200l from

    Denning, P. (2001). The IT schools movement. Communications of the ACM, 44 (8), 19-22.

    Gorgone, J., Davis, G., Valacich, J., Topi, H., Feinstein, D. & Longenecker, H. (2002). IS 2002: Model curriculum and guidelines for undergraduate programs in information systems. Retrieved December 3, 2003, from  

    How to handle unknown authors. (2002, March 15). The New York Times, B-10.

    Katz, I. M. (1995). Cats and their masters. Santa Rosa, CA: Informing Science Press.

    Katz, I. M. (2000). Cats and their servants. Warsaw: Informing Science Press.

    Roussev, B. (2003a). Empirical evidence justifying the adoption of a model-based approach in the course web applications development. Informing Science Journal, 6, 73-90.

    Roussev, B. (2003b). Teaching introduction to programming as part of the IS component of the business curriculum. Journal of Information Technology Education, 2, 349-356. Retrieved May 12, 2003 from 


Include one or two short paragraphs about each author. Please include a head and shoulder photo of each author. If you wish, you can send the photos as separate attachments and we will insert them.